‘Phonography’ Fun: Some shots from the phone on a quiet afternoon drive Cows graze as the light hastens across a flowering carpet of gold. An old tree stands against the greying sky waiting for the vagaries of fate …
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Old sheds where once was the hub of a million acres.
A brief detour off the dual carriageway just north of Karuah sees us heading down to the settlement of Carrington on the northern shore of Port Stephens. Back in the 1820s, Tahlee and Carrington were established as a base for the Australian Agricultural (AA) company. While little remains on the surface, it’s easy to imagine…
Pre-Spring, and dreaming of other possible futures for Newcastle
Perhaps we have become so polarised in the need to have, or not have, that we have forgotten the possibility of developing another view. If. for some reason, it becomes impossible to get real action on truncating the rail line and providing another option: just what might another possibility look like? I wonder whether we…
Gazing into the sunset; days after an election.
Awash in a sea of uncertainty: Pugwash on his poopdeck with the crisp wind whirling from the west Stinging Shaking branches and the dust of the sunset Out Day’s end The last of the light slips slowly down behind the horizon Where it can warm someone else’s world Until ours is ready again. It’s spring…
Scenes from a Sunday cycle
It’s difficult to imagine just how all of those people must be feeling today, isn’t it?
Scratchley Dreaming
The moat, high above the harbour: division between dreams and realities Memories and visions, phrases and thoughts, repeated, recycled Revisited then gone: departed yet lingering still in the flashes we see of distant landmarks A mirage resolving into stark and plausible, whimsical and despondent and more. Black, white, light, shade Dichotomy Outward success and a…
Seeing ourselves as others see us?
Images in a mirror, and the interruption of lights in a winter night: glaring through the layers that perception washes in our fields of vision. From our own world inside, we see the world. Just how do others see us? A ‘phonography’ essay Putting yourself in the frame: reflecting and trying to see it from…
The Polly Woodside
The Polly Woodside Marooned in her little lock Sailing nowhere between the towering glass of the convention centre. A story of times past: of a Melbourne thick as a forest with the masts of ships. A huge body of esoteric knowledge: where to get to ‘know the ropes’ took on as much significance as it…
The Wind and the Wheelos
Are those our gigabytes flying with the clouds? The late afternoon gusts herd the humidity off to the North East. Corrugated iron and powerlines clack and hum: castanet and aeolian harp underscoring an adagio for the receding sun. Armadas of billowing clouds stream by; foc’sles firmly focused on a North East passage. We place so…
Thoughts on an envelope
Late afternoon and a broom rests in the foreground at the end of Wasp War II For the second time in a week, there were wasps; clustered under the verandah table and conspiring to build a nest. Maybe they should not be disturbed? They are, after all, simply doing what they do, being a part…