And soon, rust streaked panels will be gone; gathered on a truck, & toddlers will squeal & yawp as they play #izzopark — Roger Pryor (@pryorcommitment) October 31, 2012
Month: October 2012
Up the Creek
Listen: there is no creak in the creek at the end of my street. It ebbs and flows; creakless, squeakless, serene. — Roger Pryor (@pryorcommitment) October 31, 2012
Looking for a full belly one way or another.
Pelican in foreground: with huge bill gaping in anticipation of a good feed; turns back on carrier equally hungry. — Roger Pryor (@pryorcommitment) October 21, 2012
On Broadway
In Sydney tonight ready to speak at a conference tomorrow. Reflecting on some of the key themes of human endeavour. Sultry Sydney spring evening. The urban drama of the Broadway lights Ebbs and flows at Harris Street. Green. Slish, slash, roar and swerve The scooters and bikes spring from the maw of the pack where,…