Pebbles in the pool
This is a personal opinion blog. You are very welcome to add comments or to make contact using the links on the page. Your contribution and collaboration is welcome. Opinions expressed here are, as the title blog title suggests: ‘pebbles in the pool.’ They are actions of articulation which may or may not mean or matter much. It is simply hoped to start a few ripples.
Sometimes it’s fun to cast a few pebbles into the pool and watch the ripples spread. There are those for whom the ripples wash lightly across their consciousness and those for whom the smallest pebble seems to create a tsunami to rush headlong through their known and familiar world.
We are all at different places within our perception, but united in our inability to avoid the inevitability of some affect, from even the smallest pebble. And that is as it should be.
This is a place for ideas: pebbles of thought kneaded and shaped ready to be cast into the pool.
If you’d like to see other work from Roger, visit the pryorcommitment space.