DER Netbooks in MAT (Aquaculture)

After a ‘difficult’ year with some challenging students in Stage 5
MAT (Marine & Aquaculture Technology)

I posted photos and research questions to our
BLOG while on holiday in Europe (Recently)

We have built on this resource over a number of years and recently interacted with a SMARTNotebook file
in our Vid.Con Connected Classroom and discussed travel OS & currency etc.

Yesterdays lesson built on previous lesson etc.
•Use the BLOG postings of the fish markets in La Spezia- Italy…
•Determine the ‘common name’ of the species by comparing the BLOG photo/s to
previous lessons on Australia Fish Species Common Names and identifying and taste testing
•Note the price per kg (in €) from the photos
•Use Google Search to find a Currency Converter from Euro to AU$s
•Create an Excel spreadsheet & ‘label’, enter info from photos AND
create a formula to convert Euros € to AU$s
•test the formula, shared from one member of the class, Format the
‘cell’ to ‘currency’, ‘fill down’ the formula to automatically
calculate the AU$ equivalent for a range of display fish species
- some kids then used the ’snipping’ tool to bring their Excel info
into OneNote!!!
The skills etc. in this lesson MUST be transferable to other courses,
topics, lessons & life!

Almost totally on task, lot’s of relevant questions, NO behaviour
issues… FUN, FUN, FUN!
• did you know that:
-our current exchange rate is strong(er) against the € @ .62xxx
-1kg of pilchard was 4€ which is equivalent to AU$6
- I cooked fresh mussels in La Spezia

More… DER Aquaculture!

Today, 2 days after previous lesson… still good?????

Today we focused on:

- completion of the Excel sheet
- inserting columns & rows
- graphing the results- which graph will best represent the data?
- snipping or copy->paste into Microsoft OneNote
- including photos in the Excel sheet
- emailing the completed project

Things that happened today:

- some off task, mainly due to skills issues…BUT students ’sort’ assistance and progressed with help
- 2 permanently off task… tried
- Bluetooth sharing of netty work within the room between students

Tips & Tricks:
… from students- they have the time to experiment with special key strokes etc. and share with everyone
- Yr10 and Yr9 in Stage 5 class- Yr9 have Yr10 have not

Lots of temptations, but all good TODAY???

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