DER Initial Staff Allocation Proposal

PLEASE take note that WE MUST NOT think of these systems as normal laptops OR what we would like them to be! They are what they are and have significant differences when compared to a current school based Laptop!
What they should be viewed as are: ‘Learning’ Netbooks!
DER (L4L) WCS Initial Allocation 28 Netbooks and Initial WiFi installation. * Although we WILL introduce staff to what can be done WITHOUT WiFi!
9 * Year 9 Teaching Staff- permanent allocation (Blocks- H, J, D, New Scheme Project Staff) HT’s to propose those staff who CAN/WILL make a difference?
7 * Faculty Allocation- allocated to HTs through Library- loaned to staff through faculty HT
1 * Yr Advisor- permanent allocation
4 * Library- assist planning of learning activities (Teacher Librarian, and loan to staff (in library ONLY))
3 * Technology Teaching Staff- permanent allocation
4 * Moodle and eLearning Resource Developers (staff with whole of school responsibilities) I have received some interest from staff members. -permanent allocation
  • How can we evaluate quality & quantity usage?
  • How can we ensure development and sharing ideas and resources
  • Commitment to TPL (not just in teacher time), feedback etc. 
NB: INITIAL allocation based on limited WiFi access eg. Library, H, J, D blocks ONLY!
and see…

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