Bound For Botany Bay

This is a classic Australian song about the journey of the convicts to Australia. We are going to study the lyrics, as they tell a story about the convicts.

6 x tables

This video will help with learning the 6 x table. You can also practise some of the other tables. Music to the tables makes it fun too!

Our First Weeks at School

Here are some photos of our first few weeks. As you can see we have been pretty busy! The lyrics of the song highlight the importance of being kind to each other. This is important in our class, to always use kind words. You can see some very smiley faces in the pics.

What is Minecraft?

Lots of students in our class love Minecraft. We are writing a whole class exposition on the topic, ‘Minecraft is better than lego.’ As a class we have to argue our points and convince the reader of our view.
This video explains what minecraft is.

‘Cookie Maths’

We are practising our times tables each Monday. We have been drawing cookies each week to match the table so we can work out the answer. So if you are stuck on a table, draw the cookies and add the chocolate chips to work out the answer.
E.g 5X3…….is 5 cookies with 3 chocolate chips on each cookie- how many chocolate chips altogether?
The answer is of course 15.



Welcome to Term 2. We have a great term planned with a science focus! We will be learning about the Solar System, everyone is so excited. The students will begin group work in Week 4. They will be making posters on a chosen planet and they will have a special marking criteria to guide them. How grown up does that sound! We are also reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and learning important comprehension strategies. Everyone in the class has their own copy of the class text.
It’s going to be a busy term. I’m hoping everyone has gold days.

Mrs McNeil and Ms Cook